Why FinDS ?
Data Scientist is being highly demanding by all kinds of companies, consulting, banks,
hospital, college, internet, etc. Most of the time, people with data science background
feel hard to squeeze themselves into specific industry. Well, same awkward situation also happened
on expertises who want to blend data science skills into their jobs.
Data science as an application skill does not fit for the classroom, because of its fast iteration
property. The speed of packages/APIs/APPs generation is way faster than school education cycle,
the input-output ratio for data science education in school becomes really low if you want to
apply this skill into your career ASAP.
Similar problems happens to current online data science training courses, institute needs to update
their application tools constantly to catch up with the pace of new tech. Besides that,
most of the society education institute are focusing on basic knowledge, people with some knowledge
of everything but eager to grow further in data science combined with specific area are still under
this knowledge updating anxiety.
That’s why FinDS has been created. Aiming at helping people growing further and faster with
data science skills in different industry, as well as helping corps to get more data science insights
with their businesses.
The name as ‘FinDS’ is combined Fin & Data Science due to author’s financial background,
means the contents here might be more finance oriented. But it can also be explained as:
we want to find the Unicorn Data Scientist.
Well…instead of finding it, becoming one 🦄.
What to expect?
1. Basic data science skills and knowledge sharing.
2. Data science application with different industries.
3. Business insights from the perspective of data science.
About Author
Quant, Data Scientist, Options Trader.